
A broad range of services is available to meet every linguistic need.

Simultaneous interpretation

For international conferences and meetings involving a greater number of speakers and participants we usually suggest simultaneous interpretation, which includes the service of two interpreters, in a sound-proof booth, who translate for an audience previously equipped with headphones. 

The two interpreters work in regular shifts of about 20-30 minutes.

Consecutive interpretation

In the case in which in a conference there are only one or two foreign speakers, who are supposed to address the audience only briefly, in order to avoid the cost of the simultaneous translation equipment, it is possible to use one or two consecutive/chuchotage interpreters. Consecutive interpretation consists of translating, summing up as faithfully as possible, the parts of a speech lasting a few minutes addressed to the audience, while chuchotage is but a simultaneous translation being whispered to one or two listeners.


In the world of automatic or so-called ‘neural’ translation, additional services are now required to ensure a quality product. With post-editing or post-revision, the work of the initial translation is carefully reviewed by a professional and gains the same value as a translation done from scratch by a ‘human’ translator. This is typically used for lengthy technical or commercial texts, which are equally important for a company’s success. Quality is guaranteed.


For localization, that is the translation of information technology texts, the fee can be calculated on the basis of the type of work that is actually required, which might include adaptation of the texts and not just the simple transfer of a written text from one language to another.

Audio and Video Transcriptions

To translate or transcribe the contents of an audio or video tapethe effective duration of the recording is calculated in minutes, plus the translation pages, on the basis of 1500 bytes unit.

Liaison interpreter

A liaison interpreter works for ensuring communication between two or three people speaking different languages or during a meeting of small groups of people.

How to quantify the fee: the fee is normally based on a daily rate.

We can also allow for an hourly fee when an interpreter is required for a limited amount of time, but, however, the minimum fee is for two working hours.

Intercultural mediation

An intercultural mediator usually works in the social contexts, such as schools, hospitals, registry offices, other public offices, police station, etc. The interpretation technique used can be assimilated to liaison interpretation.

How to quantify the fee: the fee is normally based on a daily rate. We can also allow for an hourly fee when an interpreter is required for a limited amount of time, but, however, the minimum fee is for two working hours.

Remote Simultaneous interpreting

If you are looking to save on costs, but you do not want to sacrifice quality, we offer simultaneous remote interpreting. For more details contact us.

Written translations

For written translations the fee is calculated according to the type of work and can vary a lot. For instance, to translate a technical manual, the unit considered is a page of translation, that is 25 lines x 55 characters, or 1500 bytes. Otherwise it’s based on the word count.

Sworn translations

For the translation of certificates, sentences, school documents, etc., that must be sworn according to Italian law, the fee is based on the translation page of 1500 bytes (25 lines by 55 characters), plus expenses for the legal stamps, the swearing service or statement, which normally has a flat rate per document.

A 360° multilingual offer.

“For all those who need a reliable partner to find the best solution to every language problem.”